0861 THEBEMED [email protected]
Communicate and connect

Communicate and connect

Build lines of communication with your children focusing on the problems of your teenager, rather than your expectations as a parent. Listen and explore their dreams for the future and what they feel passionate about. Explore what is on their teenage mind and what...
Holding troublesome teenagers with love

Holding troublesome teenagers with love

Undoubtedly, the teen years can be daunting both for parents and for teenagers themselves. As adults, we tend to forget how challenging and frustrating those years can be – years of trying to cope with physical, emotional, mental and hormonal changes as they...

Inspiration awakens us to new possibilities

We all need reminders to look for the good and bright in life. If it feels that you are only experiencing the tough stuff, then you may be short-changing yourself. Lift your head and look for the good, it is always there if you take a moment to find it, and then let...