0861 THEBEMED [email protected]

Teamwork: No Suggestion Is Too Small

Think about creating spaces and opportunities for informal human connection. Can you start the day with a five-minute interactive process – even as simple as conscious breathing? How about reinventing the suggestion box – maybe a gathering in a ‘suggestion room’...

3 Energy Raising Hacks

The brain works with energy. Employees who have missed out on breakfast, or typically skip breakfast, cannot be as creative as those who are properly nourished. So encourage healthy nutrition. Are healthy snacks (not chips and chocolates) readily accessible? Equally...

The magic of the meeting place

Steve Jobs of Apple understood the creative potential when employees are able to engage with each other. When he took on Pixar, he acquired a discarded warehouse for their office. The initial idea was to have separate sections for the specialised divisions. But Jobs...