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Your North Star

Your North Star

Books – Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck     In this book, you’ll start by learning how to read the internal compasses already built into your brain and body–and why you may have spent your life ignoring their signals. As you...

Exercise Purpose Meaning

Enriched meaning and purpose with exercise! Meaning and purpose are really emotional experiences that we are able to track in our bodies. For a musician the meaning of the music is experienced in the whole body, not just through the ears. The whole body holds and...

Quality Food & ARV’s

Good quality food enhances the effectiveness of ARV’s One of the side effects of taking antiretroviral drugs is that it often induces nausea and lack of appetite. This is a horrid ‘catch 22’ situation as eating good food is essential to enhance the effectiveness of...

Exercise Quality & Ageing

How much exercise you do now, not only influences the quality of life you experience presently, but also how well you will age Exercise, exercise, exercise. Oh, we hear so much about how we are all supposed  to do it. Unfortunately by ignoring the call to exercise NOW...