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Thebemed Wellness Cafe’

You a Couch Potatoe?

Aug 24, 2017 | Exercise

Thebemed Wellness Cafe’

Cell 4 Blog

No! – boost your self-worth by experimenting with new ways of eating and exercising.

The story goes that the longest journey begins with the first step, which is why YOU can begin anywhere. Don’t be overwhelmed by feeling you suddenly need to turn your whole life around. Rather start by making frequent small changes to your daily routine.

Eventually all these changes will add up to a significant improvement that you have made to your lifestyle. You could even begin like the overweight man who started with only two push ups a day. A year later he was trying on slim fit. This could be you too!

Nelson Mandela said: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Want some ideas to start being creative about caring for your physical health?

You can covert the crucial importance of drinking water into fun. Be imaginative and flavour your water with sliced cucumber, strawberries, orange and peach, or something completely unexpected. Make a jug of weak rooibos tea and flavour with mint, cucumber and crushed ice.

Children naturally love to run, climb, and tumble around; so tap into this creative energy and get playing with them. If you do not have your own children, organise a play date with your friends’ kids.

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