0861 THEBEMED [email protected]
Be your best

Be your best

When you hear the word “exercise”, its natural to think of the physical benefits: the stronger heart, the lower blood pressure, the six pack abs and, of course, the active wear! There is no doubt that exercise has numerous physical benefits, but it also produces a more powerful mental and emotional state.

You a Couch Potatoe?

No! – boost your self-worth by experimenting with new ways of eating and exercising. The story goes that the longest journey begins with the first step, which is why YOU can begin anywhere. Don’t be overwhelmed by feeling you suddenly need to turn your whole...


‘Mind your mood – secure your success’ Mind-mastery is not just for gurus. Successful people get to where they want to be by knowing how to get others excited, energized and focused. But the way you ‘mind your mood’ has a powerful influence on others...
Addiction Prevention

Addiction Prevention

Body connection – addiction prevention Did you know that the word ‘Yoga‘is a Sanskrit term describing the union of the individual with universal spirit, or cosmic consciousness? So how could this relate to addictions? Some research has identified that addiction...