0861 THEBEMED [email protected]
Live Your Mindmap

Live Your Mindmap

Technology: Create a mind map and bring your thoughts to life. When the creative thoughts are flowing and you do not want any to get lost, this is a great tool to help you keep them all together and create a big picture view. Find a Mindmap...

Random acts of kindness

Blog Post: Here you will find an abundance of random acts of kindness to get you going. With all these idea you will never be at a loss for ways to bring joy into someone’s life. Random acts of kindness is HERE

Longing for connection is real

In a deeply connected and engaged space you will be able to liberate everyone’s creativity. You know how different and exciting it feels when go with friends to a live concert, as opposed to listening to a recording. It is all about the ‘vibe’. So what...

Escape a Heavy Mood?

      Spice up your day with random act of kindness and feel the glow as you add joy to the world. You have experienced the delight of been pleasantly surprised; so how about being creative and anonymously surprising others. You will not only delight...