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Mental Wellness
Creative Brainstorm

Creative Brainstorm

Mobile Apps: This app is for capturing your creative brainstorm ideas. You can capture ideas for consideration in relaxed moments, and then use this facility to brainstorm ideas with a group. Try it out, it is really great. Find this App HERE

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Bad Habits – Break Free!

Stuck in old ways that don’t serve you? Take time to awaken your creativity and find a new way. Sometimes the usual way of doing things can get in the way of seeing new solutions. You will recognise a bad habit when the things you used to do so well, no longer seem to...

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Full-Throttle Living

You can stay as you are or shift your life into creative full-throttle thriving. Start your creative spark burning by testing out these suggestions. If you have a bad habit that is causing you problem and you would like to find a creative solution, try these few...

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Addictions – recovery IS possible

Addictions – recovery IS possible

Addictions - recovery IS possible Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School, states; “When people take substances, they’re seeking a certain experience – whether it’s escapist or transcendental, or just wanting to move into a different...

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Inwardness & Restoration

A winter ritual for inwardness and restoration     As the winter season sets in, the cold and shorter days beckons us to cuddle up and close in. Yet this is not a time for doing ‘nothing’ but rather an opportunity for a change of focus from outward...

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Emotions – Replacing Prozac

Can Green Gardening Replace Prozac? Gardening, it is said, can replace Prozac’ – yes it can! Extensive research has shown that gardening is the new ‘green’ feel good drug with an abundance of GOOD side effects.   It has been found that  when we leave behind our...

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Wealth Dynamics

Wealth Dynamics

Wealth Dynamics in a Nutshell Many people think that there are hundreds of routes to wealth. With Wealth Dynamics, you'll see that there are actually only eight paths to wealth and that one of those paths is the correct one for you. These paths are highlighted by the...

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Emotional care and breast cancer

There is a common belief that breast cancer runs in families and statistics tends to bear this out. The exciting breakthrough from medical science is the discovery of a direct link between the body’s immune system (natural defense system) and tumour formation...

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Latest Posts

Three simple habits: Pay off your debts – you can do it

Three simple habits: Pay off your debts – you can do it

It’s not always easy to save money. Once we have a few extra rands in our bank account, the temptation is strong to buy that new dress or jacket or splash out at an expensive restaurant. It may be hard to save, but it’s not impossible. What is impossible is to save money if you don’t have any.
Whether you are in debt and want to get back into the green, or want to start saving for a rainy day, here are some simple habits and tips to help you start saving money right now.

HIV/Aids: How we are winning against this disease

HIV/Aids: How we are winning against this disease

We’ve come a long way since HIV/Aids first showed up in South Africa in 1982. Unfortunately, due to a complex political history, we only really started addressing the problem in the mid-90s when South Africa already had the largest population of HIV-positive people in the world.

Are you degrading women, without realising it?

Are you degrading women, without realising it?

Those 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 8 August 1956, protesting against apartheid, knew this to be true. Thanks to them, and countless other voices, we now live in a world where there is more equality and freedom than 50 years ago. Thanks to these women who understood the power of their voice, and the power of their words.

Tips for a kinder festive season

Tips for a kinder festive season

It’s been a stressful year. In fact, it’s been a stressful two years! As we head into the holiday season, it’s important to take the time to not only reflect on a turbulent 2021, but also to focus on finding ways to slow down. Christmas decorations, shopping madness, carols on repeat, and general end-of-year craziness, can take their toll, often leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

An attack on the vulnerable is an attack on the social heart of us all

An attack on the vulnerable is an attack on the social heart of us all

When violence is perpetrated against our mothers, sisters, wives and children, the whole of society suffers.
Act to seek out such suffering – it may be hiding in that very women or child in front of you. Fear and pain are hidden within victims of violence. They often tend to remain silent about their shame, pain and fear.